Investor targeting 

Our live database ensures you will meet with the correct sustainability representatives


  • Register of SRI interest – investor targeting

To prepare your company for SRI engagement by identifying all of the analysts and portfolio managers that are relevant to your company, detailing their interest levels and enabling you to make direct contact with them.

  • Interest research analysis – full ESG interest research report

Working with our preferred partner, a report to help companies take ESG targeting and investor knowledge to the next level by engaging an interest research study. This tech platform proactively engages fund managers to confirm interest and preferences and gives a wider view of the investor landscape as well as highlighting individual investor approach and strategy. InterAxS will use this valuable intelligence to optimise a roadshow or investor outreach programme.

  • ICE (Investor Climate Expectations) report 

An up to date perspective on public policy commitments and how these are applied to investment decisions and engagement

  • Investor profiling

Detailed bespoke investor profiles with an overview of assets, strategy and approach, recent focus areas and policy implementation.  We also include information on key sustainability personnel and an InterAxS view. 

For further information and pricing on any of these services please contact: